The Indian central govt. has announced that it has plans of setting up 8 new IITs at the same time in various parts of the country. Where are we going?! Whats wrong with the govt.?
The reason being stated is to uplift the Higher education standards.. This is utter ridiculous. This would result in total damage to the present IIT standards. It goes very well with the saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth". IIT is a place where not everybody gets to study. Setting up another IIT is in itself a bad idea. That too 8 at the same time is like a perfect plan to murder the engineering students' standards in India. Instead of doing this, the govt should take steps which would further improve the present IIT standards like the infrastucture, more industry interaction,..etc.
This is what happens when govt. interferes with the education system. One similar incident is the removal of TNPCEE (Tamilnadu professional course entrance examination) some two years back by the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu. The CM took this step without understanding its impact on the system. This led to many students tied for the same spot. So to resolve this they had to take Age, Caste and Sex into consideration. This is rubbish. Access to quality education should be based only on MERIT and nothing else, no matter what the financial status of the student is. If the govt is really so bothered abt that, then let them help such students financially. Nobody stops them form doing that.
TNPCEE was in a sense a better scale to gauge the student's understanding of the subject unlike the 12th public exams that merely require one to memorize stuff from the book and reproduce it. TNPCEE forced the students to take a "little" step forward in the direction of thinking.
i guess i strayed away from IITs to TNPCEE.
With the increasing population it might be justified to increase the number of IIT seats by a small figure. But this should happen over time not all of a sudden.